Seriously, what effect to this pay site do you intend to change by leaving rude comments in a guestbook? She can delete them faster than it took you to write them. Is the master plan to keep her so busy she can't muster the effort to make a mediocre over-priced skin?
Pay sites have and will continue to flourish quite nicely because of market demands. The reality is that "the market" consists of you and me, and every other person. It's made up of many thousands of individuals pursuing their own agendas and interests by engaging in voluntary transactions. The market has no controlling mind, nor does it have sentience of its own.
The essential feature that MUST be emphasized here is that these transactions between individuals are VOLUNTARY.
The ONLY way site owners can obtain remuneration from work is when their work benefits someone else willing and able to pay for that benefit.
The belaboured ad nauseum argument as to whether the EULA allows them to benefit is as IRRELEVANT today as it was back in 2001 when 8DS was opening.
These sites operate laissez-faire in the eyes of EA and without injunction. Meaning that private initiatives (Sims sites both pay and free) and production (Custom content) is left best to roam free, without opposing economic or legal interventionism by EA beyond that which is perceived to be necessary to maintain true property rights.
Be they free or pay, end user custom content is good business for EA.