It's a bit frustating to see how some creators managed to ruin some beautiful looking Poser meshes.
What do you think? For a newbie in Milkshape, Maya or Max3D, would it be very hard to learn the converting technique?
Not hard at all.
1. buy poser mesh and ignore all wishes of creator about redistribution
2. see what format it is in, import it into milkshape
3. lower vertex count to acceptable sims 2 size ( between 0 and 4000)
4. divide in groups, rename, rewrite comments
5. resize
7. export with unimesh exporter
8. open an original maxis hairmesh with skeleton in Milkshape
9. import poser rip off over this one
10. assign all the vertices to whatever the hell you want, doesn't matter, sheep don't care. Much.
11. export again with unimesh exporter
12. replace GMDC in a newly made mesh package
etc etc normal steps to making and assiging to textures, except:
don't test in game, that is friggin boring. Just take some pics, photoshop those, and get outta there. On to the next rip off!
Don't forget to slightly change the textures and then recolor to 3 kinds of pink,orange, purple and shit. Oh green!