This is what I'm working on. I'm really liking the way it's turning out. So, I decided to offer it to anyone who wants it. At the moment, I'm only offering it unfurnished. When it's totally done- and I get all the credits worked out, I'll post a finished version- if anyone wants it! Here's the pics:
Furnished upstairs. (Still have to add a few items!)
Furnished kitchen area.
Unfurnished downstairs.
Furnished living area. (Small pic- don't know what happened!)
Another furnished living area view.
Unfurnished upstairs. (Flaws were fixed since pic)
Outside view. No landscaping as I prefer to do my own and don't know what others like! (Was taken with 2 apts furnished so ignore drapes and such!)
The furnished pics are to show how I furnished and decorated...also to show what the finished version MIGHT look like. There's 3 apts- all will be similar in layout furniture-wise...but different. The 4th area is meant to be the community area. One thing you need to be aware of: At the moment, the lot is zoned residential. This is because not everyone has AL. So, if you do, you can rezone after you furnish and decorate. If you don't, the doors and stairs won't be there I think.
(New link in a post further down!)
CC included so far:
Polished floorboards in Hardwood- Holy Simoly
N65_Stepping Stone- Nengi65-
Craftsman 1-tile Privacy Window, closed- tbdgett@MTS2
Craftsman 2-tile Short Window, closed- same
Craftsman 2-tile Tall Window, closed- same
Any other- Maxis, including Sim Life Stories- Molten Cream Walls
Expansions I have...NL, Pets, Seasons, OFB, AL. Stuff packs...FFS, GL, K&B.
If I've forgotten anything, please let me know! This is the first time I've ever done this and I hope I remembered everything.