I've always wanted to try out body meshes, but never got around to it. Might go download some now.
About the machines, I used to have all sorts of vending machines in my game. Glad they were taken out a long time ago.
There's also a beer machine somewhere on TSR where your sims can get 'drunk'. They have one beer and start making the nervous breakdown animations.
Classy. :roll:
Now Markus, TSR is a family oriented virtual reality play land, totally safe for impressionable kids that might think, Hey if my Sims get nervous and freaked out after having some beer..... I wanna try! Hey if my Sims can get drunk and don't die afterwards, maybe I can too!
TSR accept no responsibility for planting the idea that virtual drinking is okay and if a child makes the transition into real beer, that has nothing to do with TSR and 100% to do with bad parenting. Adult content? No! It's virtual beer!
Shift the blame...pass the buck...
TSR is so...so fucking classy!